
Kristine Underbjerg Toxværd.
08 MAY

Overview of PhD projects at DTU Aqua

The publication “PhD projects at DTU Aqua” presents DTU Aquas PhD students and their projects

Marine research Ecosystems Polar research Fisheries and fish stocks Aquaculture
Counting pike perch larvae. Photo: Ivar Lund.
10 NOV

Healthy food may alleviate stress among farmed fish

A new DTU survey suggests that adding unsaturated fatty acids to their feed may make farmed pike perch hardier and better able to cope with stress.

Marine research Aquaculture Fish and shellfish
Photo: Colourbox
06 NOV

Healthy food may alleviate stress among farmed fish

A new DTU survey suggests that adding unsaturated fatty acids to their feed may make farmed zander hardier and better able to cope with stress.

Marine research Aquaculture Fish and shellfish
Photo: Colourbox
08 SEP

The oceans are overflowing with plastic

Plastic waste in the world’s oceans is an environmental problem that is gaining increasing global attention. At DTU, researchers are investigating the problem.

Marine research Aquaculture Fish and shellfish
Aquaculture Plant. Photo: Peter Skov
30 SEP

Demand for Danish know-how about environmentally friendly aquaculture

DTU Aqua conducts a training course on fish farming in land-based saltwater systems for consultants and practitioners from across the Baltic Sea Region.

Marine research Fish and shellfish Aquaculture
Freshwater recirculation aquaculture paved the way for saltwater recirculation technology. Foto Martin Dam Kristensen
21 DEC

Course in Salt Water Recirculation Aquaculture Technology

DTU Aqua offers a training course in Salt Water Recirculation Aquaculture Technology for the Baltic Sea Region from Saturday 5th - Wednesday 9th October 2013.

Marine research Aquaculture
A leader in sustainable aquaculture
13 APR

A leader in sustainable aquaculture

DTU Aqua in Hirtshals is hosting international AQUABEST-meeting on sustainable fish farming in the Baltic Sea Region. The project aims to transfer the technology of the...

Aquaculture Marine research

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News from DTU Aqua
5 MAY 2024